living in flow is the “new normal”
Flow is where life happens so to connect to the field of Flow, stay in Flow, and discover your personal flow patterns is the ultimate focus. Flow is no longer for the few. It’s for everyone! We now all have the ability to connect to the invisible and collaborative field of flow for joy and Creativity
The early knowledge of flow centered around an individual achieving flow for herself such as an artist, writer, inventor, entrepreneur, extreme sport participant, etc. It seemed to be an elusive and mysterious force that was bestowed or gifted to a deserving few or achieved by many years of meditation, extreme sports or mind altering drugs!
FLOW IS ACTUALLY A FIELD THAT ANYONE CAN ACCESS. Yep, that’s right! And you can too! We’re now able to connect to this Field of Flow instantly by using a process called CoCreative Fusion®
Our process is the path of least resistance, so to speak, and is the result of our own playing and experimenting together with the Field for the past several years.
As best as we understand it to this point, it represents the fusion of the quantum life forces of nature, our higher heart/higher self and universal source energy. It's not a new thing - it's just that with the recent energetic shifts of both Earth and humans, it’s more easily accessible and very much wants to collaborate with us in healing the planet and helping us all to live life in more joy, creativity and collaboration. Isn't that what we all want anyway?
The great news is that you already have the innate "ability" to access the field. There is nothing that you have to do - nothing you need to learn. You just need to announce yourself and acknowledge the CoCreative Spirit of the Universe.
Although everyone can connect and benefit, we also know that nature lovers who understand that we live in an intelligent universe of entanglement, have a much greater sense of the connection. However, even a person without any knowledge of physics, energy, or nature, can experience benefits. Ultimately, this connection creates flow, opportunity matched to your skill, talents and hearts desire.
Benefits of Flow Include:
Increased Creativity - It’s like having your muse on call 24/7 and what creative doesn’t want that?
Effortless Action - By getting into flow, you’ll marvel at how much you’ll accomplish in a really short period of time. What you are meant to “do” will find you instead of you trying to “make it happen.” That’s the old model for being “productive" - a word that really doesn’t exist in the Field of Flow. It’s more about your experiences and following the energy of what brings you joy.
Heightened Focus - In our experience with the Field of Flow, you have to be in flow to get focused instead of trying to focus to get to flow. We’ve found focus to be the natural by-product of accessing your flow state and not an action verb.
Quantum Manifesting - Upgrade your Law of Attraction skills and release all the techniques that haven’t worked. Instead of putting your wish list in a hat and then trying to “attract” what’s in your hat, walk around with an empty hat and know that what falls in is what your heart desires. It just may not be what you expected.
Instant Flow Barometer - Once you get good at accessing your flow state and learning your own sensory system, you'll start to get signs as to when you're in flow and when you’re not. This differs by person but you’ll no longer need to consult others on what’s best for you or in your highest good. You'll have a way to instantly know! How cool is that? Trusting your own intuition, feelings and now your flow state will tell you immediately if you're doing the right thing, in the right profession, hanging out with the right person, etc.
Hidden Gifts and Talents Will Surface - This is the fun part and why you must be open to where flow takes you! When your guidance seems to make the least logical sense is where the greatest potential lies.
Unprecedented Sense of Peace and Trust - That you don’t have to “figure things out” anymore. Just ride your flow wave.
Less Therapy, Healing and Coaching - Once you access flow and understand that you now have a way of knowing when something is true for you and when you’re in flow, you may find that you have less need for other types of therapy, healing or coaching. At least we did.
Positively Impact Others - As you enter the field and shift, others will also be impacted as they will feel the shift and “piggyback” so to speak off of your flow. This can have huge benefits to those you love.
An Innovative Process - To also help your organization, clients or customers do the same
the “New Normal”
The New Normal is calling you if:
You’re ready for play, fun, laughter and staying in your bliss to be your “heavy lifting”
You’re open to the “unknown” and willing to suspend your current beliefs on what you should be “doing” or what your path is
You take full responsibility for your life, knowing you attracted it all either consciously or unconsciously for your highest benefit and growth
You’ve accumulated enough “knowledge” and just want to connect with your truth and higher heart’s desires
You’re ready to fully embrace the multi-dimensionality of life on earth and release old ways of living
this shi(f)t works!
We've been blown away by the impact it’s had in our lives and in those with whom we’ve shared it. We’ve tested it with individuals around the world and have a 100% success rate in folks feeling the shift and connection.
“It felt like an open channel from my head to my heart. As I used the statement the next day, I felt the vibration more in my head. So deeply grateful for this new universal connection” - Marquerite S
“I reverently stated my CoCreative statement this morning... and immediately felt a beautiful infusion of light and love! Kim and Kathleen, you really have something here! Thank you so much for sharing!” - Jill B
“I immediately had tears come to my eyes and that’s my sign that I’m feeling the truth” - Lisa M.
“After using the connection statement, I had the best results ever from my webinar” - Susan E