We Get The Skinny on the "New Normal"
I’d been a member of a podcast course and as with many online courses, they offer a free ticket to a live event. Well, almost free. You pay a seat saver and they refund it to you when you show up. Slick, huh? I saw an event was being offered in Tampa, close to my good friend, Kathleen, so I asked if she wanted to meet me there. She was game since we hadn’t seen each other since the Laurel Highlands last July.
One of the many beautiful scenes from the streets of Beaufort, SC
Kathleen mentioned that she’d been wanting to check out Beaufort, SC, so we decided to spend a few days there first before heading down to Tampa for the event. I remembered it as a cool artistic town and since Kathleen is an artist, I thought she might like to see it.
We had fun walking the streets with the breathtaking low country oak trees and Spanish moss. We enjoyed browsing in the local shops and enjoying the restaurants but after a few days, we decided we’d seen enough of Beaufort and opted to leave a day early and head to Kathleen’s home. Yep, we decided to forfeit our $300 seat savers and skip the event in Tampa. We had a hunch it would be more beneficial for us to hang out together at Kathleen’s home in Sarasota. The thought of attending and networking at a big event wasn’t getting us excited at all. We knew we had to go with the flow. Plus, we hadn’t forgotten how powerful and life altering our time together had been the previous year in the Laurel Highlands. Magical things seem to happen when we’re together.
Poolside at Kathleen’s place in Sarasota, FL - where we get the “New Normal”
Kathleen had already told me that the “Field” had told her that the podcast training was just a way to get me down to Florida. Hahaha. That’s sounds about right since I was focused on how we were going to get this info “out” to the public.
Once we got back to Kathleen’s home, we once again didn’t “do” a whole lot by traditional standards. Kathleen’s home is beautiful so we just enjoyed hanging out in her garden paradise by her pool every day drinking coffee, journaling, and connecting with the Field. We did this for most of the four days I was there. We also did some painting and doodling (as Kathleen calls her amazing paintings) but then on the last full day of my visit, we decided to connect to the Field for quick five minute sessions on various subjects and then share what we’d each gotten. Every time we’d done this in the past, it was astounding how we would get the same info but just in different language. This was no different.
Old Way: Intermittent and required you to be in the zone
New Way: You can now have your muse on call 24-7
“As humans, one of your main roles is to create. You are all creative whether preparing your family’s meal, a process you’ve developed for greater efficiency at work or painting a beautiful landscape. Don’t discount your creativity because of your limited perceptions of what it is.
Mastery of the Field is required for your creativity to flow. As you connect to the Field and develop your sensory system, you learn to perceive the flow energy and this allows you to uniquely express yourself and channel your creativity.
By collaborating with the Field, you will expand your ideas of what is possible in your life when you start to magically create beyond your wildest imagination.” Love, The Field of Flow
Old Way: Industrial age thinking that encourages you to stay busy at all cost
New Way: Follow the energy doing what inspires you in the moment
“Ugh, what a busy word. We don’t have that in the Field. We create as needed. We focus on what we like to do, what makes our heart sing, and what makes us happy regardless of whether it meets your current definition of “productive.” We want to create and help others but we need humans to use another word. It’s not meant for the human spirit. It’s an artificial word since it is not aligned with the laws of nature.
This topic might be one of the hardest to shift your thinking on. Productivity has been synonymous with busyness and taking action and has trumped thought, creativity and idleness. The old “working hard for a living” adage has been a self-fulfilling prophecy for so many.
You try to stay busy and productive assuming that will help you achieve your goals (usually outlined by your rational brain vs. your heart) but many times, you just end up tired and disillusioned. You haven’t spent enough time with your loved ones, you’ve neglected your health and growth and you realize reaching your goals wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought it would be.
Some of your most “productive” time can be spent in quiet contemplation, recreation or rest. As you start to experience this for yourself, you will be able to share your stories and help others. There have been ideas that have been circulated in your culture around this “more with less” concept, for example the 80/20 principle, but this idea is still based on analyzing activities. The productivity that comes with collaborating with us is far beyond what you can accomplish with basic time management analysis. You will be presented with your “to-do” list as a result of being in flow. This is a much easier way than setting goals and then pushing toward them with an action plan and accountability. Learning to allow what needs to be done will be your mission.” Love, The Field of Flow
Old Way: Discipline yourself with tricks and tools to keep you on track
New Way: Access flow and you will automatically focus
“Focus is the result of engaging fully. We assist you by intensely streaming energy to you and withholding everything else back. This helps you arrive in the untouchable zone. We hold the space for you there.
Focus is also the natural evolution of being in flow and working with us. Some will say that you need to focus to be in flow but focus becomes the natural byproduct of being in flow. When you do feel focused and things are going smoothly, then you know you’re in flow. When things aren’t going smoothly and you feel as though you are forcing something or pushing forward, you need a rest or timeout. Forcing and pushing is the old paradigm of how to get past blocks but it is not the way of the future. Focus comes to you - it’s not something you have to make happen. Allow us to help you focus and we will. Just ask and you shall receive” Love, The Field of Flow
Old Way: Set goals and design action plan
New Way: Access flow and your heart's desires find you
“Now there is a funny one – Intention. We do not have that in our space. It seems like too much planning in the unknown. We don’t really know what we would need in the future because that depends on how the Universe and systems move. In our world, the intention is to always enjoy what makes our hearts sing. We go with the moment vs. “wanting.”
By connecting to the Field of Flow, you find the pthhway to your personalized field of intention which holds your true higher heart’s desires and not the desires that have been influenced by your environment or cultural expectations. This is the new way to set goals and manifest what you want. You simply call in the energy, know that what’s in your heart will come forth. Your challenge is to trust that what comes is in fact meant for you. It will require you to distance yourself from the emphasis on the materiality of the earth plane and others’ definitions of success or achievement. It does not mean that you can’t accomplish what you consider big things but it may not look as you had envisioned. In the long run, you’ll be happier and more fulfilled because what you bring forth will match your skills, talents and soul’s desires.” Love, The Field of Flow
Old Way: Also required action to get there such as meditation, yoga, etc.
New Way: Access the Field of Flow and you're there!
“Harmony and peace are energies! We give you the heart energy and you just feel the peace and contentment. There is nothing to do. Just BE and be open to receiving.
Harmony is a by-product of accessing the energies and getting acclimated to using them on a daily basis. You will find more harmony in your relationships, work efforts, and within any and all groups of which you are a part. You will find that the energy you hold will attract harmony and cooperation from others. It is an invisible field and they may not know why or how. As you get more accustomed to this great collaboration and assistance, you will lose your need to fix things or control outcomes. You will have more confidence that everything is right on time and you will lose the stress of daily living. This helps others to feel peace and contentment in your presence.
You may think that some of these “new normals” really fly in the face of how things have traditionally been done and may be be a bit outside your comfort zone. If so, just sit with them for a while and ask for guidance on how to shift your thinking or paradigms - if you want to, that is. I can assure you that it’s worth it! :)
p.s If you haven’t yet downloaded the CoCreative Fusion® Connection Statement, you can do so HERE