Welcome to Kim's Flow Jo!
Welcome to my Flow Journal (or Flow Jo as I fondly call it)
Where being in flow can be your natural state, not an altered state
There's a “New Normal” happening in the world of personal awakening and evolution - a place inside ourselves - waking up. Many of us have cleared the way for this, but the way forward lacked actual steps. . . until now
You may have heard of flow. It's when things seem to happen miraculously without any proactive effort or planning on your part. You feel exhilarated and time seems to stand still. It's the lifeline of creatives and anyone who wants to live in alignment with their true essence. You usually access this flow state by:
Deep healing and transformation work, usually involving years of meditation or a spiritual practice
Extreme sports or activities that help you escape the confines of your physical body (and brain)
Drugs or other mind altering substances
The early knowledge of flow centered around an individual achieving flow for herself such as an artist, writer, inventor, entrepreneur, extreme sport participant, etc., but there was no way of transferring or sharing it with someone else. . . until now
We've developed a process where it now CAN be shared and transferred to others. Our unique process, CoCreative Fusion®, allows you to connect to the cocreative energies to enter your very own flow state which provides unprecedented guidance and assistance for more creativity, productivity, focus and flow.
What are the coCreative energies?
As best as we understand them to this point (and we're constantly getting new information and guidance), they represent the quantum life force that includes nature, our divine essence and universal source energy. It's not a new thing - it's just that with the expansion and evolution of both Earth and humans, they are more easily accessed and very much want to collaborate with us in healing the planet and helping us all to live life in more joy, creativity and collaboration. Isn't that what we all want anyway?
We've been blown away by the impact the energies have made in our lives and I share those experiences here in my BLOG. The great news is that you already have the innate "ability" to access the energies. There is nothing that you have to do - nothing you need to learn. You just need to announce yourself and acknowledge the CoCreative Spirit of the Universe.
Although everyone can connect and benefit, we also know that nature lovers who understand that we live in an intelligent universe of entanglement, have a much greater sense of the connection. However, even a person without any knowledge of metaphysics, energy, or nature, can experience benefits. Ultimately, this connection creates flow, opportunity matched to your skill, talents and hearts desire.
What to expect . . .
Inspiration and Creativity - like having your muse on call 24/7
Effortless Productivity - this is a totally new way to get things accomplished but you'll get used to it & love it!
Peace, Ease and Harmony - like you've never known and in all things - your work, relationships, health, etc.
Excitement, Happiness and Joy that you have a method to bring forth your greatest gifts
An innovative process that can also be used within an organization or team
Oh, and so far, we've also had a 100% success rate in those using our connection statement experiencing a shift! And we've tested it with willing participants from all over the globe!
CLICK HERE to download the CoCreative Fusion® Connection Statement
Love, Kim