Staying in Flow Helps You & The Crisis

Crazy times we’re in, n’est-ce pas?

Our current Coronavirus scare is something unprecendented in my lifetime. The only thing that comes close is the fuel rationing in the 70’s. Yet, I can’t help but feel that at a higher level, it’s a wake up call for humanity. As we grapple with the issues of testing and projections of inadequate respirators and ICU beds,

there are rays of light and transformation taking place, for example:

With my friend, Jenn, on a gondola in Venice - 2016

With my friend, Jenn, on a gondola in Venice - 2016

With my Italian cousins, Carmin and Sylvia, from 2016 Rome visit

With my Italian cousins, Carmin and Sylvia, from 2016 Rome visit

  • Clean water and air in many places. You may have seen the clean waters in the Venice canals or the clean air now surrounding many of China’s biggest cities. Mother Earth is taking a deep breath

  • Generosity and kindness towards our neighbors - I can’t sing but I love all those Italians who can!

  • Creativity on the part of businesses to meet the current medical needs or simply getting necessities to the elderly or those sheltered in place. (I had my first moment of “Oh no, this is starting,” when my son told me not to take walks outside (not happening) or my daughter told me to stay in and she would bring me food.) They’re so sweet.

  • Here in the US - we most definitely needed a kick in the ass to get our two party government working together.

As scary as this virus may be, the more we can stay in flow, centered and at peace ourselves, the more we help others and the crisis in general. The reason for this is:

  1. The more you stay out of fear and anxiety, the stronger your immune system. There’s lots of scientific evidence that stress weakens your immune system. This is why some believe the pandemic of fear is as dangerous as the pandemic of the virus itself.

  2. The more light and higher vibe folks we have on the planet, the faster it heals. It’s all about energy and everything is energy.

If you are feeling fear and anxiety, it’s important to process your emotions without ignoring them or taking them out on someone you love. There are many tools for doing this but I have found accessing the Field of Flow to be the fastest and easist.

Here’s what I’m doing to stay in Flow myself:

  • I use the CoCreative Fusion connection statement about 5 times a day. It helps me everytime! DOWNLOAD IT HERE FOR FREE - It’s so effective and can immediately take you to a place of calm and peace. It comes in handy for so many things. In the last few weeks, I’ve picked the perfect gift for someone, spent a week painting my living and dining room without losing any energy and with no aches or pains (normally if I paint, the rest of my life tanks. I don’t exercise, cook, etc. but not this time), got rid of sciatica pain that was bothering me in the middle of the night and found the answer to cure my rotator cuff pain. All of this just because I connected to the Field beforehand and asked for assistance. So magical I tell ya!

  • Limiting TV. I don’t normally watch TV at all but I started watching the news the past few days. I kind of got sucked into it yesterday but then realized that I needed to limit my exposure. If I do watch it, I just need daily, not hourly updates

  • Spending lots of time outside. The Field of Flow includes nature so the more exposure you have, the better you will feel. I walk daily but also just sit outside if it’s warm enough. Gonna start some gardening soon too.

  • Doing whatever the hell I want and so happy I can! I’m grateful my kids are grown and my heart goes out to those trying to entertain little kids or coping with older kids right now. I never seem to be out of projects at home but have been painting, sewing, decorating, etc. and getting ready to open a bricks and mortar creative studio - yeah!!! (more coming on that)

  • Meditating. I’ve done this for years and continue to do so in the am but also have been doing it before I go to sleep.

I do believe that the collective power of love and peace that we can feel and send out to the world can have a dramatic positive effect on the current situation. It also helps those around us.

Sending lots of love and best wishes for a smooth and healthy cruise through COVID-19! Let me know if I can help you in any way.



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